A Speculative Evolution Project
Earth is a long-forgotten planet abandoned by most of the rich high society human species, leaving the impoverished behind to die as the planet has been drained of all its resources becoming entirely different from what it once was.Unlike the earth we know this earth is surrounded by mechanical layers enlarging the planet causing a multitude of odd biomes and land structures with entirely different ecosystems.Most of the sentient species of earth live very far away from one another, taking ages to find one another on this now-massive planet with many tunnels and passageways. These species are mainly isolated in their zones as the planet has grown hostile against sentient species as if it has developed a trauma of its own forever resenting man.

Currently locations aren't being given a lot of attention and we will attempt to add more attention to them.But if you'd like to see the general concept of the locations and how earth itself works click "general concept"
General Concept
Earth is now highly altered in this universe, given multiple man made layers enlarging the planet. The deeper the planet goes the less natural the biomes are and more man-made they are.Sentient species find it difficult to communicate to one another and some societies stay isolated due to how massive earth has become. Trading has become increasingly difficult only available and doable with intense body-mods alongside machinery.
Crest Station

Crest Station is a mysterious station left behind by the humans who abandoned it. The station seemingly sends out drones after a few decades and seems to be functional, but any attempts to communicate to said station is met with silence.Any attempts to send out a ship or drone to the station results in said ships/drones to never return.

Basilisk is a desert city where buildings are built upon massive mountains that contain mines. The humans of Basilisk all have mountain adapted bodies.WIP
Basilisk Widlife

Taurs inhabit the mines of Basilisk, they aid miners in transporting goods for trading.


Woe is a set of caves and caverns that are home to numerous beings. The location garnered its name due to the woeful expression the entrances to the underground city have. The cities themselves are filled with culture, and scholars, and the people are quite kind and docile. Not much conflict happens in Woe.Most residents of Woe are nocturnal due to how dark the place is overall, and its even dimmer in the cities.
Woe Wildlife
Coral Wastelands

The wastelands are filled with the remains of a creature called the Leviathan once roaming these lands filled with waters. Now these said remains are the homes of many sentient species, the advancement of such resembles the Victorian Era.

A recreation of said leviathans.The lands itself now is hot and humid, resembling a swampy desert like land where once aquatic animals now roam the land up on two legs.
Coral Wastelands Wildlife
Hammer Snapper

The Hammer Snapper is a terrestrial species of shark. A predatory apex predator that was man-made by previous human species that now abandoned earth.

Sky Ray

The Sky Ray, an eyeless flying creature that resembles a stingray, not much is known about this species.

Sentient Species
Sentient species who inhabit earth. You may make OCS with any of them except Oxian

These species are seen around most of the planet and are not location specific. You may make ocs of any of these ones

Oxian are a parasitic species that rely on other host’s genes to be mature.
All Hosts
For oxy, most of them have a squishy texture to their body, they’re very muscular and strong. Commonly they remain hairless/featherless/scaleless throughout their body, but there are exceptions to this with some featuring fur/hair.
All oxy feature two mouths, one near the eyes/face, and the other on their "tail", although some might focus their energy on one mouth more than the other, for either vocal communication, eating, fighting, etc.
Oxy must feature at least two tentacles as the tentacles flash different colors and are used to communicate to all oxian, they can also be used for grappling onto things.
All oxy must have palps of some sort, along with claws on the end of their "tails" for the second mouth (although it can be just decorative). Palps can grow all over the body but they must have a few around the mouths.
Oxy must feature two sets of eyes ( 4 in total ), although they can have up to 7 max. Oxy eyes are slit shaped or resemble a cephalopod's eyes.
At least two antenna for scent & communication similar to the tentacles
Oxy must feature a beak of some kind (usually of some dark coloration) this beak can retract similar to an eel’s second jaw, or can just be a regular beak within the mouth like a fish’s beak.
Humanoid Hosts
General traits also must be applied
Pointed or rounded ears.
For humanoid oxys most of them have a squishy texture to their body, they’re very muscular and strong in their true forms and can be biped or quadruped (or can switch between the two).
They must have two tentacles on their pectorals (although they can be surgically removed, scarring resembles top surgery scars) as the tentacles flash different colors and can be used to communicate to all oxian, they can also be used for grappling onto things, & they tend to retract said tentacles keeping the disk shape on their chests.
Optional Features
Hair is entirely optional, although hair only focuses on the head or face. (does not work like fur)
False forms, false forms are a form that humanoids take to seem more friendlier or more alike to humans/humanoids. Most humanoid oxy have this form/use this form.

Oxy Humanoid Beak Reference

The main language for all oxian no matter the host is a series of colors and patterns done through their tentacles and antenna. Each variation of the language is dependent on the host but most have an internal alphabet instinctually put into them at birth.Depending on the host the language can become more complex or simple.Above we have the humanoid/sentient oxian alphabet.
Coloration of oxy is messy and diverse, but to sum it up oxian are notably bad at copying their host's colors when they are a first generation, so let’s make a hypothetical.

Let’s say an oxian hosted a dog, dogs are usually natural colors, browns, blacks, and whites. So an oxian would come out with vibrant colorsPatterning usually stays consistent with oxy, it does not usually copy the hosts patterns if its first generation.

Larvae are fairly small, around 5 mm, and adorn a set of teeth to dig into their hosts, and 3 sets of legs. These legs start to detach once the larvae start digging into their hosts slowly breaking down into a worm-like figure till they've dug themselves into the womb/egg, then will start fusing to the fetus becoming a fusion of the larvae and the fetus.BEHAVIOR
The larvae's behavior is fairly simple, they are fairly disinterested in creatures who cannot reproduce, but once they sense a being who can reproduce they become extremely hostile and will try to latch onto the creature so it can be its host.
The ultimate goal for oxian is to slowly integrate themselves in their host species to the point it is almost to near impossible to know which is an oxy and which isn’t. This process is very slow and gradual. Let us make another hypothetical to make visualizing this easier shall we?An oxy larva hosts a cow host, and is born a not very well made duplicate of the species, this oxy is now able to reproduce similarly to a cow, therefore able to breed with cattle, and this oxy eventually has offspring with said cattle. This second generation of oxy is noticeably more closely resembling a cow, and this cycle continues more and more to the point the oxy cattle and regular cattle are indistinguishable.Note: Oxian are unable to host living organisms smaller than their larvae, or living organisms that do not give birth/lay eggs, such as plants.
Just like any other living organism oxian can develop disabilities and therefore are given aid. These aids only apply to sentient oxy, non sentient are usually not given aid unless they are seen as livestock or a type of pet. Another thing to take note of is that oxian also develop disabilities their hosts can develop.
Deafness & Muteness
Unlike humans oxian are prone to be deaf or mute, this is very common and is not even considered a big deal, similar to how it is common for humans to need glasses. But due to some oxy having to live in human society humans have made aids for oxian with such disabilities, such as hearing aids, and robotic voice boxes surgically inserted into the throat, or worn as a type of crown/crest. Usually such aids are done without the oxy’s consent as humans force oxian to speak their languages.
Blindness or bad eyesight
This type of disability is EXTREMELY rare for oxian to develop, as one of their most important assets is eyesight. But there are a multitude of aids for this disability, such as glasses, robotic eyes, or eye donation from another fellow oxy.Some oxy with this disability do not seek aid for this, which in turn obviously causes them to be unable to speak the color language, so usually blind oxy will use these other languages bellow.
Morse code-esque language| This language is done by a pattern of sound vibrations and taps
Scent based language | This language is done by pheromones & scent particles that oxian can send to one another attaching those said scent particles with words & letters.
Sign Language | This language is only available to oxian who feature humanoid esque hands as there is no oxian version of sign language due to the large variation of hand formations oxian can have making it difficult to make.
Braille | A braille version of the oxian language
Neurological Color Patterning Disorder
NCPD is a condition oxian can develop that causes them to be unable to do the correct colors or patterning when speaking, this disorder can be mild to severe. If severe they are basically entirely unable to be understood when using their tentacles to speak, so these oxy have to be given technological aid.

Color Keyboard Aid
The color keyboard aid is one of the first aids ever made for oxian, first made for human use to speak to oxian. This aid can be tedious to use but once given the hang of its quite good. This aid can vary a lot but usually it’s a tablet to type on and a screen to demonstrate your words. you can clip onto clothing, although there are CKA’s that come as hats, or prosthetic tentacles/antenna.

Verbal To Color Aid
Similar to the CKA this aid was also made for both oxian and human use. This aid is pretty much its title, it will translate verbal speech to color speech, this aid can be kind of shotty and messy at times. It's one of the more disliked aids in the oxian disabled community, and humans are the ones who mainly use it (to oxian’s dismay). This aid usually comes as a little screen you put onto your head similar to a headlamp.

NCPD translation prosthetic
One of the newest and most expensive aids NCPDTP is a surgical procedure that basically tries to fix NCPD, this is done by inserting a chip inside the brain that tracks what the user is trying to say and properly sends the message to prosthetic tentacles & antenna. The original tentacles and antenna are surgically removed for prosthetic ones, usually these prosthetics try their best to imitate the users old tentacles/antenna.
Gene-splicing is a man made method to specifically hybradize oxian via giving oxy larvae a GMO host so that the oxian develop a certain amount of traits for specialized use or cosmetic reasons.In some human districts GS (gene splicing) is used to make oxian specially modified for certain jobs the humans will assign to them, whilst in other districts this is used to make oxian “more approachable” or “more harmless”GS is used on sentient and non sentient oxian, and is highly debated on the morality of it.

Insectoids are a species of sentient insects.
Like other insect species, insectoids also have a life cycle like any other insect a larval, nymph, and adult stages.Depending on what season a insectoid finally chooses to pupate in determines their anatomy and gender identity.
Once a nymph is old enough they will choose a season to pupate and reach adulthood which depending on which season they choose will determine a lot for them culturally.Unlike humans, insectoid determine gender identity depending on the month and season a insectoid pupates in with many neopronouns and genders mixed in, with season and month.Gender identity is entirely a choice for the nymphs and is not assigned at birth, since sex is not a concept insectoids have as they reproduce asexually, so sex is null.
Insectoid speech is a vocal language done with their wings rubbing against small files in-between the wings.There is no written version of the Insectoid language, social media and written media are all audio files for insectoids.For non-insectoids to speak in their language they use a keyboard called a Chirper Keyboard to play out the octaves the wings would use. Disabled insectoids also use these Chirper Keyboards.

Due to the earth’s newfound harsh ruthful state where it has changed itself to fight back against humanity, humans have grown scarce on the planet since most had abandoned it. But for the remaining few humans who have decided to stay, they have artificially advanced their evolution to fit the niches this planet has made.
The concept of humanity to the homo-sapiens native to the planet earth is completely different than it was thousands of years ago. The human figure and anatomy varies so much that the only indicator a human is a human is their brain & behaviors.Alongside this huge variation in anatomy the concept of race is completely different, races are not races anymore. Moreso, they are subspecies of humans, usually humans use the term "race" as it is easier to say in their multitude of languages.Cultural identity is determined by the modifications they are given in the environment they are born in. Most humans inhibit insignias at birth due to most being unnaturally born now and given automatic symbols to determine where they were made.Humans cannot change their cultural identity, and can clearly be found out to be fake if attempting to do so.
Most humans self modify so they may live in these harsh environments, there are multiple methods as to how modification works.GMO | Genetic Modified Organisms, or for short GMOs, is a method many humans take advantage of, where they will artificially birth their offspring to modify it before it is born. Giving it advantages at birth.ROBOTICS | This one is pretty self-explanatory where humans modify their already existing body with robotics or remove their brain into a robot. Some also copy their brain into an AI, but this would just be a clone of the person being copied.PARASITES | Parasitic modification is quite rare but it is still a method of modification some humans go through. With the newfound wildlife on earth, some parasites give humans advantages.
Due to the natural map a human has to their body, modification if taken too far can be extremely distressing for a human, so most humans keep to a select few builds which feature dexterous appendages, the ability to communicate in some form, and usually an upright biped like build (although there are exceptions).

Androids are the second sentient species native to earth and have lived alongside humanity for thousands upon thousands of years. Androids are the largest set of sentient species keeping to themselves.
Androids are a series of sentient AI with mechanical bodies, there are multitudes of subspecies of android and all have built one another to adapt to all environments of earth.Due to how highly varied they are there is no one way of describing all androids.
Human & Android relations
In human societies androids live peacefully amongst humans and are seen as equal to humanity.Androids have no problem with machine-aid as all aid are not sentient in any sense, and tend to have their own aid if they have no adaptations for said task.Humans and androids have a long history of living beside one another having complex and sometimes romantic relationships together.

Water Trotters
Water Trotters are a species of bird used as transportation for various sentient species.
A trotter is about as intelligent as a horse. Most trotters are quite aloof, only really trusting their owners or people they've been around with for long periods of time. They also can get quite grumpy and fussy if not given the affection or attention they need, although there are some exceptions since not all trotters are the same.Diet-wise trotters are omnivorous and quite adaptive, just like other birds they consume pebbles to have an easier time consuming their food. But trotter's favorite source of food is fish.A trotter's wattle, caruncle, and the number of feathers or the way the feathers are arranged vary quite a lot.
Trotters love to gather items and stick them in their feathers, not for mating purposes or anything of the sort, they just seem to enjoy it for themselves.
Trotters are extremely loyal to their owners, some people say that the relationship between a trotter and its owner is extremely sacred and should be respected. If an owner were to betray or abandon its trotter, the trotter would be in a state of grief for a long period of time.
Trotters can learn multiple complex commands and tricks, making them a good mount and a good companion for other things.
Wild trotters are extremely rare due to how trotters are all captive-bred. The only wild trotters there are, are abandoned which as stated before causes the trotter depression. So a wild trotter = a sad trotter.

Original creator & main artist

Environment artist & concept-artist